Alright, you’ve seen the sand castles. You’ve been inspired and dazzled. And now you’re ready to erect your own architectural masterpiece. So what goes into sand castle construction? Know-how. Here are some professional tips to help take your sand castle design and construction to a whole new level.
Design your sand castle, preferably using a sketch to communicate your architectural vision to your carefully-selected construction team.
- Select the highest grade of sand possible for your sand sculpture. Professional sand sculptors typically opt for the finest grain sand available. This type holds water best, and allows for greater sculpting detail.
- Be aware of tides. The last thing you need is a rush of seawater slamming into your masterpiece. Build your sand sculpture above high tide to keep it intact for your throngs of eager viewers.
- Equip yourself and your team with the best possible tools. The core tools preferred by the vast majority of professional sand sculptors are shovels, water buckets, Masons trawls, and palette knives.
- Shovel sand and soak with water. The two methods to compact sand are using your feet or using a landscape hand held compactor.
- Always carve your sculpture from the top down. This basic rule is rarely broken without disastrous results. Also, be a little daring. You’re an artist. Experiment with different tools to achieve a different look.
- Keep your sculpture well-moistened by spritzing it with fresh water from a hand held sprayer.
- Either because of human or natural causes, your sand sculpture inevitably will crumble. So before it does, snap a few photos of your masterpiece for the records. They’re guaranteed to outlast the castle, and they’ll be great to share with family and friends.
If these architectural endeavors seem like way too much work, don’t despair. Call a professional sand sculpture builder at Archisand. We’ll be delighted to help. Our extraordinary sandcastle design team is a group of true professionals, every member a professional with a wealth of experience to draw from. This professional expertise is what makes our professional sand sculptures tower above the rest.
You’ll be amazed at the wonders a professional sand sculpture builder will create.