Author name: Pete

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Archisand Helps BICCC get the word out about Children and Custody Court cases.

Archisand created its largest Sand Sculpture – Over 300 tons of sand to create a sand ribbon to be used to sign the names of children that have been effected by the courts in custody cases. The Best Interest of the Child in Court Custody Cases (BICCC) non profit organization recruited the talents of Archisand to help get issues exposed about the adverce effects that the court system is having on the children they are trying to help. Learn more about BICCC  and the event Click Here To see more photos click on the above image

Archisand Events, Archisand News, Corporate Events, Experiential Marketing, For Kids, Local News, Sand Castle Competition, Sandcastle News, What's New?

Custom Sand Sculpture Humvee Draws Public Awareness (and FUN) at DUILA 1st Annual Sand Castle Contest

Big thanks to all those who were a part of the Archisand event in Dana Point Harbor! Locals came out to view the sand castle construction while we raised public awareness with the community buzz and conversations surrounding the “Drug Use Is Life Abuse” campaign. Teens participated in workshops in advance on how to use professional sand sculpting tools all the while promoting teamwork, cooperation & healthy lifestyle choices. Click here to read more about what DUILA had to say about Archisand’s hard work. Click here to read more about the event coverage by Mission Viejo Dispatch with “Archisand Sculpts At Dana Beach.” Want more? Click here to read our original announcement for the event on our blog, Archisand to Construct Sand “Humvee” for DUILA 1st Annual Sand Castle Contest September 18th, 2010. Click here to view our online Flickr gallery of the event! Have Archisand be a part of your next personal or corporate event including custom workshops for team building and brand awareness!

Archisand Events, Archisand News, Corporate Events, Experiential Marketing, For Kids, Sand Castle Competition, Sandcastle News, What's New?

Archisand to Construct Sand “Humvee” for DUILA 1st Annual Sand Castle Contest September 18th, 2010

Local area high school students will be competing against each other in a Sand Castle Competition at Dana Point Harbor’s Baby Beach (near Ocean Institute). The contest is organized by the Orange County Sheriffs Department, OC Parks, and the Dana Point Harbor. Archisand Professional Sand Sculptors, Inc will be providing the Sand Castle expertise for the event. Archisand will construct a life sized replica of the DUILA Humvee vehicle in sand. The construction of the demonstration sculpture will start on Friday Morning September 17th, and be complete by Saturday afternoon, September 18th. The Sand Castle contest starts Saturday Morning at 9 am with judging at 12 noon. Archisand’s Greg LeBon will be conducting Sand Castle workshops Saturday morning starting at 8:30 am. Open for public viewing. Please join us Saturday from 9am-1pm! Casey Juergens puts the finishing touches on this DRUG USE IS LIFE ABUSE Logo Sand Sculpture. Archisand developed this image sketch for the sculpture to be created this weekend. Come by and see the creative juices from Archisand and the local community high school students. Concept Sketch for the DUILA event September 18th at Dana Point Harbor’s Baby Beach. Hope to see everyone at the beach… CLICK HERE to read our updated event news with online photo gallery and more!

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